Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just a little thing !

I feel Paris comming on....

On Friday morning 5:20 I will be picked up, go to the airport (it's only about 10 minutes away)and two hours later we will be flying to Paris, so if there is anything you think is a must see, please let me know :o)

I am going with 3 friends, Gitte, Jannie and Nette, and I am sure we will have a lot of fun. Jannie and Nette have lived in Paris, so they will show us around.

And not to forget, Bryan Adams..... we are going to see Bryan Adams at the Zenith, at first it was at Olympia, but was changed, and the reason we wanted to see him there was coz' the Olympia was a small place, oh well, I am sure we will have a good time anyway....we always do when we see Bryan
We will be back on Wednesday night.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I have been tagged.....

4 Places I go often:

Bredegrund (Playground)
Local shopping center

4 People I email regularly:


4 Places I love to eat:

At my mothers place
At friends houses
RisRas ( A vegetarian place)

4 Places I'd rather be:

(yes I love to travel)

4 TV shows I watch

Greys Anatomy
Dr House

4 People I tag
I don't have 4 reader.....

Pen, you are tagged :o)

Thursday, September 11, 2008


A rose for each person who lost their life on 9/11
You will never be forgotten !

I can't believe it's been 7 years since 9/11, I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was working (I work at home ) and my sister called and told me to turn on the TV, normal I don't turn on the TV in my working hours, but I did, and I was stunned.....

When I finished work, I sat in front of the TV the rest of the day, crying a lot for all the liefs there were lost for no reason at all.

The world will never be the same after 9/11

My thoughts and prayers goes out to all the people who lost a near and dear one on 9/11

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My hand operation

My hand operation is over, it went fast and without any pain....
My hand before the OP And after. Notice the yellow fingers, and nails..... sure hope I can get it off before I go to Paris
In 3-4 days I can take this big bandage off at just have a little one on, and in 14 days I will have the stitches out, but I am not allowed to go to work till after 3 weeks.......

There is not really any pain at the moment, I have taken some pain killers and will do that tomorrow too, but then it should be ok.

My first grey hair....

Being blond as I am , you don't see grey hair till the day your hair is all white, but today when I was in in front of the mirror, it was there....right in the middle, and it was, grey and not blond. I pulled it out, not coz I didn't like it, it was more to make sure it was a grey hair....I actually like grey hair, and I don't mind looking my age, but It's easy for me to say since it is so hard to see I know....... My mother is over 70 and she is not all grey yet, so maybe I never will be all grey.......

A day in Tivoli

Here the other day I went in to Tivoli garden with my friends Jannie and Nette, and 3 of there friends from England.
Normal you can not bring dogs (or horses.....)into Tivoli, but one day a year, it's dog day (and horses......)and that was they day we went in there. I couldn't help talking a picture of this very big dog,(read:hors ) and I petted him too...Yes I am a dog person

This is the Chines tower, it is a lot nicer when it is dark and the lights are on, but by then, I was out of battery...

Downstairs from the concert hall, there is a 30 meters long aquarium, that sure is a must see

Nette,Yvonne and Kat in line for the big Balloon-wheel (not sure what it's called in English) Jannie and Wendy in the big wheel

The Star flyer, it is 80 meters high, and I was up there......not much to talk about really, it was spinning to fast to enjoy it....

Wendy enjoying a candyfloss, and no, she did not kill a Simpson.....

Jannie and Wendy on the Tivoli bus

Nimb, just re-decorated and made into a hotel, very beautiful...

The Pantomime, another lovely building, Harlequin and Co. is dancing here

I grew up next to Tivoli, so it was my playground as a child, so I got my first snog from one of those boys i the Tivoli guard......
When I look at them today, I still love it, but they are soooo young.They rage from 7 to 17 years of age, and so did I....

Well, at about this time I ran out of battery, so I have no more pictures.
We had a fun day, and if you come to Copenhagen, Tivoli is a must, check this out
There is a lot of both wild and nice rides, but most, it's a very beautiful garden, mostly after dark when all the lights are lit.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A new book

I love to read a good book, one of them you just can't put down, and for a long time I really don't think I have had any of them. It might have had something to do with my state of mind, I know that, but now I think I got the book.

I have been told it is a fantastic book, but I also know that the one others think is unputdownable, doesn't necessarily mean the same to me, but I have started on it (read about 100 pages)and I love it....still about 1000 pages left....This will take me some time, but that's great, I like a long book :o) but I don't think I will take it with me to Paris, it will be to heavy, and who will get time to read in Paris anyway ?