Sunday, October 19, 2008

To forgive, or not.....

We were some friends together here the other day, and got to talk about forgiven, and it is really strange how different we looked at the word FORGIVE
I am a very forgiven person, because I have decided to be....
I must ad ,that nothing have ever happened to my love once, (thank god)and I might not feel the same way if that should happened, but I will not live my life after "what if"

I think we put different things into the word, because I forgive, doesn't mean I think it was the right thing, and if a person have done something bad and I forgive the person, doesn't necessary mean that I want to continue to see or be friends with the person......

Raising a son on my own from he was eight, I have told him that I can forgive EVERYTHING, (as long as he doesn't come a racist)I might be angry, or sad, but I will forgive him no matter what, and love him no matter what, again, he have never given me a reason to change my mind,and I like to think that he couldn't
I am not saying that ha can't make me angry, ohhh he known what to say and do, but I am never angry for to long, don't really have the red hair temper I should have.......

I think that forgive is a thing you do for yourself, to feel better inside, in my world, anyway.....

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